Ladies Love Cannhiba: Smooth Draw and Discreetness
At Cannhiba, we take pride in crafting premium hemp cigars that cater to the discerning tastes of all cigar enthusiasts, and we are thrilled to see the love and support we receive
Introducing New Strains: Expanding Cannhiba’s Cannabis Collection
When Cannhiba was first established, we prided ourselves on our signature hybrid strain, “Lemon Runtz.”
Finding Our Niche: Cannhiba’s Journey
At Cannhiba, our mission has always been to create a premium hemp cigar that not only satisfies the sophisticated smoker but also makes a positive impact.
Cannhiba’s First Retail Account: Iykos CBD in South Beach
We are thrilled to announce a major milestone for Cannhiba Premium Hemp Cigars: securing our first retail account at Iykos CBD in South Beach.
Our First Trade Show: Alt-Pro Expo Fort Lauderdale March 2022
It was a day filled with learning, networking, and exciting opportunities that left us inspired and motivated for the future.